Back To Work Today
January 7, 2013
After two wonderful, restful, happy weeks of Christmas vacation, I return to work this morning. My lesson plans and extra supplies are loaded in my car. My mind is prepared for the next three months of teaching until my next week-long holiday in the spring.
The problem is my heart is not prepared to leave my peaceful and organized home this morning. I shall have to do as Queen Elizabeth II does when faced with such a dilemma: Keep calm and carry on.
Students and parents will be very pleased that school resumes today. I will be pleased as well as soon as I enter my classroom and prepare for the first students to arrive.
Here is a little poem I found on which I will use with my students this morning to begin a poetry unit. It will get me on the right track to getting back to the business of teaching.
I'm off to my closet to find a fabulous outfit to wear to make myself feel stylish yet professional. It will look something like this, if I can put it all together. Photo from I love wearing pearls with almost any outfit.
The weather chart says it will be around 70 degrees F., with rain forecast, so I shall wear a chic scarf to finish the outfit. Will this do?
Now, let me think: Only 10 more months until retirement, when I shall spend the first week in my pajamas! Happy New Year Everyone!
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