Sunday, March 10, 2013

Songs That Make Me Cry--Enjoy March 10, 2013

Songs That Make Me Cry--Enjoy
March 10, 2013
     Thank you, Andrew Lloyd Webber, for making me cry.  It's always a lovely experience.
Disclaimer:  All videos are from
                    I own no rights to these videos.  I just love the music.

Out of Ideas for Retirement--Now What? March 10, 2013

Out of Ideas--For Retirement--What Now?
March 10, 2013
Active Retirement
        Turning to Google, rather than my own experiences and memories, I searched for retirement activities today.  Sadly, I came upon the following article with 5 retirement activities for women.  It reminded me of the reason I began this blog; I don't want to do crafts and read for the rest of my life, really.  See what you think.
        Fortunately, there was another website, Retirement Cafe, by Ernie Zelinski, which exceeded my expectations in providing more ideas for an active retirement:  Here is the website:
Here, then, is a quote from this retirement website, written by Ernie Zelinski.  My favorite author, Dame Agatha Christie, listed 15 activities she enjoyed in retirement.  Mr. Zelinski quotes her list:
"Think of all the things in life that you love; then, in some way relate them to retirement activities that you can pursue for a more active retirement.
Following is a list of activities created by the British writer Agatha Christie (1890-1976) as included in the book Agatha Christie: An Autobiography (Dodd, Mead & Co., 1977).
  • Sunshine
  • Apples
  • Almost any kind of music
  • Railway trains
  • Numerical puzzles and anything to do with numbers
  • Going to the sea
  • Bathing and swimming
  • Silence
  • Sleeping
  • Dreaming
  • Eating
  • The smell of coffee
  • Lilies of the valley
  • Most dogs
  • Going to the theatre
This list of activities and things that Christie loved may trigger some of the stuff that turns you on and which you can use for an active retirement.
In fact, you may learn to enjoy all 15 things that Agatha Christie enjoyed if you implement them into your retirement activities. This will go a long ways towards conquering retirement boredom."
     Obviously we know that Dame Agatha Christie was fond of railway trains, thus her fascinating mystery, Murder On The Orient Express, featuring Hercule Poirot.  Happily, taking a trip on a train is on my list of retirement activities.
      From my research today, I have learned that depression after retirement is normal, due to the lack of purpose and and an active life, so I realized that I have somehow predicted that depression. 
        There are 8 months remaining in which to discover what my real purpose in life will be after retirement.   I hope it's not crafting and reading!