Friday, May 10, 2013

Owl Baby Shower To Be A Hoot May 10, 2013

Owl Baby Shower To Be A Hoot--For Mother's Day
May 10, 2013
Baby Owl Shower
These babies are Eastern Screech owls. 
Photo Credit:  Raptor Center Staff
      For Mother's Day, this Saturday, we will go to the Audubon Center's Birds of Prey to attend an owl baby shower.  What?  Yes,there will be a baby shower to help all the baby raptors that are brought to the raptor rescue and rehabilitation center in Maitland, Florida.

Here are two baby eagles, eaglets in their nest.
Photo Credit:
      Here is part of the article link which appeared in the Orlando Sentinel newspaper this week.  We won't be bringing baby clothes and toys.  We'll be bringing needed supplies to help feed and maintain the lives of the raptors, including babies and all other ages. 
 "Spring is coming and with it brings baby bird season.  During “baby season,” as the Center calls it, the clinic receives approximately 20% of our annual patient load.  Most of these young birds have been temporarily displaced from their nests. The Center’s ultimate goal is to get all these babies back into the wild where they belong, and we need your help!  Many of these babies will be reunited with their families or placed in foster nests. Others that are orphaned or that cannot be returned with their families are being raised and prepared for life in the wild.  Center staff spends many hours educating the public on what to do if they find a baby bird and if the bird is in need of help.  The best procedure is to get the baby back up into the nest with its parents if at all possible."

Baby hawks, older than the newborn size.
Photo Credit:
      Some of the requested baby shower gifts include cases of paper towels, king size bed sheets, washing detergent, and much, much more.  In exchange for the baby shower gifts, we gain free admission to see all of the raptor center's inhabitants for the day.  Here is the complete list of requested baby shower gifts:
       If you live anywhere near Maitland or Orlando, consider attending the Owl Baby Shower to honor Mother's Day by helping orphaned baby raptors. 
Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers!