Saturday, April 27, 2013

Do You Follow Your Horoscope? April 27, 2013

Do You Follow Your Horoscope?
April 27, 2013
This is totally me, the Scorpio, and most other Scorpios.
"You have a day of profound reflection ahead. While you may be tempted to think about how far you've come, your time would be better spent thinking about what the future holds. You've entered a period of rethinking your identity and objectives. These aren't small things. You will need every ounce of energy at your disposal to make it through this time of transition."
      The quotation above comes from my horoscope for today, from  , and it just goes to show that all of my introspection and overthinking my retirement is appropriate for this time in my life.  That makes me feel good.
      So, instead of sitting at the computer, googling every retirement idea that pops suddenly into my head, I'm going to take a little day trip.  I'm hopping into my reliable yet ancient car, then I'm going to speed straight to "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter," at Universal Studios Orlando, less than 15 miles from my home.
Photo Credit:
      I feel that hanging around Hogwarts for a few hours, plus a nice butterbeer and lunch, will help me focus on the real future that faces me.  Just being near Professor Dumbledore will inspire me to remember what my goals are.  Right now, my goals are a plate of spaghetti.
      After that little luncheon and tour, with a visit through Hogwarts itself, I'll travel the 8 or so miles on to Disney World, for another visit to a land of magic. 
Photo Credit: 

      Reality is draining my brain.  Have you checked your horoscope today?  Well, I hope it gives you something to think about.  My advice is to get out of the house and do your thinking somewhere lovely and full of fantasy.