25 School Days To Go Until Retirement Day!
September 25, 2013
This is how I think I look when I am teaching my gifted classes!
Photo Credit: Unknown, from www.Pinterest.com
Only 25 more days of school for this teacher! I have to say that I am vacillating between leaping for joy and trips down memory lane each morning. Am I sad? Definitely not. Am I worn out and used up with so many years of teaching? Definitely not.
Do you see a sad teacher here? Nope! Not me!
Photo Credit: www.teachermum.com
What I have become is reflective and contemplative. The days are flying by, and I am busying myself each evening by filling boxes with school supplies to take to my school. Those supplies may be used by the teacher who will soon replace me. I hope to have a clean house, cleared of all traces of school supplies and equipment. I will always have my memories of school, of course.
This is what I'm doing in the evening now: boxing up extra school supplies to take to school.
Photo Credit: www.livingwaterborger.blogspot.com
My days following retirement are already scheduled with dental appointments (root canal and new crown), clearing the overgrown butterfly garden in my front yard, and having the air conditioner repaired in my very old car. These activities are in no way enjoyable, but I will finally have the time and motivation for getting them done.
Hope I get all those butterfly bushes and weeds under control soon after retirement!
Photo Credit: www.gardeningtipsforall.wordpress.com
There is a trip in my near future, to my friend in another state, where I may take an extended vacation while I remap my future life. In addition, I hope to finish redoing my guest bath, my kitchen floor, and painting the entire inside of my home.
Well, my little vacation may look like this...or not!
Photo Credit: www.thedigeratilife.com
Very soon, but not soon enough for me, I will be launching my professional home organizing business, Simplify Your Lifestyle, and that business will be a big part of the future I have been seeking.
Photo Credit: www.busybeeorganizingplus.com
While none of these activities sound like the "fun" I have been researching all year, they are the things that must be done BEFORE I can take off for parts unknown. Thank you very much for sticking with my blog all year while I worked through the "scariest year of my life."