Like Watching Live Eagle Cams? Here's One With Two New Eaglets, Harmony and Hope
May 2, 2013
Dad and Mom keep a sharp lookout for intruders.
Photo Credit:
Click here to watch live streaming video of eagle family in Minnesota.
Hope and Harmony bobbing and stretching their little wings in the nest bowl.
They are about two weeks old now.
Click here to see a recent example of what you will be able to see. Amazing nature!

Dad flies in with another gigantic stick to build up the nest and startles nesting Mom again.
Hope and Harmony bobbing and stretching their little wings in the nest bowl.
They are about two weeks old now.
Click here to see a recent example of what you will be able to see. Amazing nature!
Dad flies in with another gigantic stick to build up the nest and startles nesting Mom again.
I truly hope you will watch the Minnesota Bound eagles and their tiny eaglets. The camera is solar powered by day, but there is no infrared camera at night.
A Google+ friend, +Saleem Khan, sent me the Native American symbolism of the eagle:
spirit, spirituality, renewal, intelligence, courage,
illumination of Spirit, healing, and creation
Here's wishing that watching this eagle family raise their young will raise your spirits and bring you peace in your heart.