Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Official Activities List--So Far December 11, 2012

The Official Activities List--So Far
December 11, 2012
     Thank you to everyone who has read some or all of my posts since I began this blog in early November.
     I just viewed each post, around 30, and now you can see the activities I believe may keep my attention after I officially retire next year.
     I am adding a Number 15:  writing more thank you notes to people who make my life happier and more enjoyable by the little things they do.

Official List of Retirement Activities December 11, 2012

1. Treasure hunting with a metal detector

2. Bowling

3. Bus trip with others to visit Mt. Dora, Florida

4. Take ballet classes

5. Joining in activities at my local Senior Citizens Center

6. Getting a job, part-time--Cancelled

6a. Helping the homeless, in a small way

7. Reopening my business, "Set The Table--Vintage Tableware and Linens," on eBay

8. Meet and greet the dolphins at Sea World--Cancelled

9. Bike riding in the greenway/park, having a picnic--tried it and it was wonderful!

10. Bagging and redistributing 40 bags of clutter in my home. (Tried it; too depressing)

11. Having laughter-filled meals with friends or family

11a. Go somewhere on a train

12. Visit a kennel where greyhounds are born and raised.

13. Go fishing in a river at the greenway/park

14. Accept all invitations for social events

15. Send more written thank you notes

     There you have it:  the list.

     May I be perfectly clear in saying this is not a bucket list!

     If I keep this up, let me do the math, I will have approximately 150+ additional possible retirement activities in the next 10 months. 

     Now it's time to go do some laundry before I go to work.