Clearing My Garden--Clearing My Mind
March 14, 2013
This is what my front garden looks like. This is not my photo, but you get the idea.
At least it doesn't look this sad and forlorn. This is not my photo, but it was taken somewhere in the United Kingdom.

This is my own photo of my front garden. Best feature these days is the birdbath, used by many birds and squirrels.
I am going to ruthlessly rip out the raggedy plants, that used to be beautiful years ago, and clear spaces for planting new healthy plants. I don't know where this gardening urge came from yesterday, but I started by giving my front garden a good hard look.
This morning, before I leave for work at 11am, I am going to attack with a vengeance. On my way home from work, I'm going to pick up some plants that attract butterflies and bees, purchased at my local Home Depot and my local favorite garden shop, Palmer's Nursery.
This has the same mind-clearing effect as clearing out the clutter from one's closets and cupboards. I need to help Mother Nature reclaim the front garden, as it was over 6 years ago. I have honestly enjoyed the years of watching nature at my front window, and I want to reclaim that pleasure.
The one feature that has remained lovely is the birdbath. Every morning and evening I watch as the tiny finches (?), graceful mourning and ring-neck doves, woodpeckers, cardinals, and squirrels enjoy a nice drink or a short bath there.
Here is what I would like for my front garden to look like after I clear and plant for the next few days:
If my motivation holds out through the weekend, I'll have cleared and restored both my butterfly garden and my brain!