Harry Potter Helped Clarify My Retirement Goals Yesterday
April 28, 2013
"You're a wizard, Harry Potter"
Inside Hogwarts stairwell, watching the paintings having their conversations with each other.
Photo Credit: www.fanpop.com
I joined the hundreds of Harry Potter fans approaching the entrance to Hogwarts.
Photo Credit: www.ieadc.blogspot.com
Waited an hour to see the Beauxbaton and Durmstrang Wizards perform their highly different displays of powers.
Photo Credit: www.blogsmeadevillage.com
Enjoyed my lunch of pasties and salad at the Three Broomsticks Pub.
Photo Credit: www.fanpop.com
Saw Professor Dumbledore up close and personal as he gave his lecture from his Headmaster's office.
Photo Credit: www.fanpop.com
Adored seeing Harry, Ron, and Hermione give their warnings and use the invisibility cloak for all the visitors to watch.
Photo Credit: www.fanpop.com
I strolled the streets of Hogsmeade as I sipped my delicious butterbeer.
Lots of other people visited the shops of Hogsmeade as well.
Photo Credit: www.caroghobrien.com

Moaning Myrtle wasn't visible, but you could hear her in the restrooms warning and annoying everyone. Loved that.
Photo Credit: www.harrypotter.wikia.com
Photo Credit: www.caroghobrien.com
Moaning Myrtle wasn't visible, but you could hear her in the restrooms warning and annoying everyone. Loved that.
Photo Credit: www.harrypotter.wikia.com
The visit to Hogwarts yesterday, and the memories of all of the seven Harry Potter novels, completely restored my abilities to focus on retirement goals. I knew it would work its wizarding on me.
I'm refreshed and ready to return to opening my thoughts to new ideas and new possibilities for my future. My horoscope was right. Thank you, Harry Potter. You're a wizard!