Monday, November 12, 2012

360 Days to Go--To Help The Homeless November 12, 2012

360 Days to Go To Help The Homeless         November 12, 2012

      Sunday was another flurry of activities, including another 7am breakfast, shopping at a drug store, putting out signs for a food truck event, attending the Food Truck Bazaar, and shopping at a sale at Sears, where I bought a new winter coat, gorgeous.  But wait, there's more.

     Here is my horoscope for Sunday:

     "You're wasting your energy, Scorpio, and you know it. You go out to dinner, attend parties and shows, but you're never really present. You listen to people but what they're saying doesn't interest you in any fundamental way. Yes, you're bored, and you're afraid to admit it to yourself. The depth of your inner search requires that you use a lot of energy to reexamine your life."
So I guess I'll have to go back to reexamining my life again.

     Besides that, my blog stats told me you don't really want to read about my social butterfly status.  I get that.

     I have told several friends that I would like to do something to help the enormous population of homeless in Orlando.  This is the exact opposite of how I really feel.  We have thousands of decent humans living/existing in homeless camps in the woods, shelters, and extended stay motels.  I can't give money, but I will contact several organizations to see what small start I can make to ease their need for food, shelter, and safety. 

     Thanksgiving is nearing and I am able to do something.  But what exactly?

     Would you be willing to send comments/suggestions for how I can be a part of the solution to homelessness in some small way?

     I think the first small step would be to return my new winter coat.