Sunday, April 21, 2013

So Many Choices--So Little Time April 21, 2013

So Many Choices--So Little Time
April 21, 2013
Bike riding
London, England
Cruising on Queen Mary II
Teaching in China
Condos in Celebration, Florida
Fishing Florida waters
Senior Centers
Working at Disney World
Working at home
Working at the beach
Not working at anything
     In 6 months, work will be officially finished for me.  I can sit perfectly still on Sunday evening, every Sunday evening, and my brain will not be focused on the work for Monday morning.
     In 6 months, work will cease to be part of my social conversation.  I will officially have absolutely nothing to discuss on a professional basis.
     In 6 months, I will be the same person, but not the same professional.  Who will I be and where will I be on the day after I retire?
     This is the same question I asked myself when I started writing this blog in November of 2012.  I have come full circle with no definite decisions or exciting plans for my future. 
     What I have come up with is an endless pool of possibilities for my future.   However, I just read a quote that goes something like this:  "A goal without a plan is only a wish." 
     It is time to make a plan.  Or a fresh pot of decaf coffee. 
Note:  All images are from searches on Google and not my own.