No More Restaurants -- I Get Angry
December 23, 2012
Went on a short errand to WalMart. Afterwards, went to a familiar chain steak restaurant/buffet with a relative. I paid no attention to the prices or menu. When the bill was rung up before we were seated, it was over $25 and I had a fit.
This is an old restaurant, a chain which is located all over the south, nothing special. Years ago, I went there a lot, in another state. Why did I get so angry? I demanded that we leave, even though I was not paying for the meal. Why?
So my relative took me to a surprise restaurant in Waterford Lakes Shopping Center. The menu was long and complicated with 100 choices of tiny sandwiches, as it was explained to me. Each tiny sandwich was as cheap as you could get. I got upset again. Why? Look at the reviews this restaurant got. Everyone says it's great:
I can only say that I don't want to be confronted with menus so long and complicated that I completely shut down. Why?
It turned out to be a ridiculous miniature sub, with some of the ingredients not even on the tiny thing. I returned it to the counter to be corrected. This all embarrassed and angered my relative. What is causing my anger?
It has to do with being bullied into liking something I truly don't like, like that sushi experience last month.
At this time of my life I want to go to familiar affordable restaurants. That is not too much to ask. As a result of today, I am angry, hurt, and completely over the good feelings I had for my relative and for the holiday season. Why? I can't explain it.
I just want to go to bed and wake up after Christmas is over. I do not get any pleasure from eating where prices seem high or menus are complicated, even though the prices are very low.
Are these reactions related to future retirement or to restaurants in general? When I am over this anger, I will have to do some hard thinking about eating out again.
I think it has something to do with my past experiences, so I'll have to think on my reactions, which are becoming frequent these days.
It's time to go to the park to watch some nature after I turn off the Christmas music. Then I'll go get a burger for $1.00 at McDonalds. I think I'm the only person who gets angry at restaurants.