Wednesday, November 7, 2012

364 Days From Today November 7, 2012

364 Days From Today               November 7, 2012

      My birthday has come and gone.  My thoughts are all mixed up now.  Today I have not yet found a number 5 activity for my retirement list, but several have come to mind.  My lovely pink bike, complete with basket and bell, called to me this morning, "Ride me.  Ride me."

          However, my day was committed to an all-day training for school.  When I returned home, I was committed to going to a community meeting with my neighbor at a Senior Citizens Center.   It was concerning the new recycling dinosaur-sized bins we are about to receive in downtown Orlando.  I was seething, because my tiny 1950s carport was not built to hold such a monstrosity.  It all turned out fine.  The speaker said I could request a smaller version later. 

          When I finally returned home around 8pm, I obsessively started checking email, pinterest, the news, and my blog for statistics.  All good.  All in order.  Two and a half hours later I am finally writing this post.  Has another retirement activity occurred to me yet?  Well, in a way.

         Number 5 on my list shall be this:  community anti-recycling activist

         Just kidding.  But I am very interested in visiting several local Senior Citizens Centers.  Those places are really full of active and vibrant folks.  So number 5 on my list will be to go to the Senior Citizens Center at least once a week to join a group of people who are busy dancing and laughing the night away.  Just look here:

         Oh and my friend who just retired reports that her first Monday of retirement life was wonderful:  no lesson plans, no kids, no asking for sick leave to visit that ailing relative in  another state.  She says all she has to do now is anything she feels like doing.  Then she is going to buy a plane ticket to go help that ailing relative in a few days.  She's also been riding her bike all around the local parks and even went grocery shopping by bicycle. 


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