Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Mother Celebrated Her 100th Birthday Today May 26, 2013

My Mother Celebrated Her 100th Birthday Today
May 26, 2013
Happy 100th Birthday to my mother today!
Photo Credit:
     Last Saturday, May 19, I wrote that my mother was passing away.  With the expertise, medical care, and prayers of others, my mother is alive today, breathing on her own, and resting comfortably.  We sang "Happy Birthday" with the nurses, aides, and attendants on her hospital unit twice! 
     Thank you to everyone at Florida Hospital South, especially the Emergency Room staff, the Intensive Care staff, and the continued care unit.
     Her grandson was able to visit and even took a few photos.  She was awake and alert as all of the happiness surrounded her.
     We don't expect any more miracles, nor have we asked for any more.  She will determine how long she is with us from now on.
     Thank you for your kind remarks, prayers, and comments, especially those from my G+ friends.  Our only wish was for her to recover from her pneumonia and live to her 100th birthday...and she did.
     She has the best of caring people surrounding her.  She is loved and I believe she knows it. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Mother Is Passing Away Now May 19, 2013

 My Mother Is Passing Away Now
May 19, 2013
I held her hand as she struggled to breathe.  She does not know it's me.
Photo Credit:
     As I worked slowly to clear the mess in my recently robbed house Saturday evening, I received a phone call that my 99-year-old mother was in the emergency room with pneumonia.  I was told to come to the hospital as soon as possible.  I left her side a few hours later as she continued to hold on to life.  As I write this, I do not know if she is still alive.  The critical care nurse said she would call me if there was any change.  It is now 3:04 a.m. on Sunday morning.
     Next week, on May 26, my mother will be 100 years old.  She was in the first group of women in the Women's Army Corps, when it was founded.  She spent two years in London during World War II, and endured the blitz raids there. 
     She had the sharpest mind and sharpest tongue of anyone I ever knew.  She could be charming and witty as well as stinging and sarcastic.
     She has lived longer than Queen Elizabeth, and she actually met King George III, Queen Elizabeth's father, during WWII.  She has shown me the actual photo of the meeting many times.
     I am praying that she will somehow recover, if God is willing, so that we can celebrate her 100th birthday with her next week.  She will not enjoy her birthday, as she is deep in her dementia and Alzheimer's these days.  Last year both of her long and shapely legs had to be amputated at the knees due to a rare infection.  She lived through the operation we thought would kill her for sure.
     So, tonight, friends, my heart is heavy with memories and sadness for her lost energy and vigor.
     God bless you, Mommy.  I hope I get to see you tomorrow morning, one more time, before you leave your daughter, your two grandsons,  and your five great-grandchildren forever. 

Today My Home Was Robbed May 18, 2013

Today My Home Was Robbed
May 18, 2013
The thief got in through an open window in the back of my home.
I left it open to let in some fresh air.
Photo Credit:

Hundreds of pieces of mail, documents, tax information, and other important papers were scattered all across my living room floor.
Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

     My bedroom looked like this when the police examined it.
Everything in the closet and wardrobe had been thrown on the floor and the mattress was thrown off the bed.  My jewelry was thrown all around the room.  Clothes, many purses, and shoes were everywhere.

     My solid gold four seasons bracelet from Thailand during the Vietnam war was among the junk jewelry on the floor, so I knew the thief was an ignorant person, probably a teenager. 

Here is the four seasons bracelet.
Photo Credit:

     My sterling silver flatware service for 12 was left in it box in the middle of the living room, so I knew the thief was an ignorant person, probably a teenager.

Photo Credit:

     Sadly, I discovered that the two boxes of many rings I love are missing.  Happily, most of the rings are not valuable, but there are at least 7 that have much sentimental value for me.

     The four Orlando policemen, who arrived after I called 911 for help, entered my home with their guns drawn to see if someone was still inside.  Happily, there was no thief hiding in there.
     They said the same thief had just robbed a neighbor of mine a few houses away earlier that day, and in the same way.

     One policeman said that the thief's work looked like he was looking for cash money.

     The joke was on him because I neither use cash  nor carry cash nor hide cash in my home.  The credit cards were
not taken either.

     Oddly, there was no damage to anything and no damage to the window.  This thief was not interested in electronics or other easy to sell items.  He took only what he could carry in his pocket.

     How do I feel about this?  I feel that I am glad I wasn't home at the time, but I also feel this very inexperienced thief wouldn't have tried to enter my home had I been there. 
     I hope I can sleep well in my other bedroom after I clean up the mess he made in there also.
     Goodnight everyone.  I am thanking God that my life was spared. 
     Tomorrow I am going to the animal shelter to adopt a nice big dog!

Click here to see my pinterest interests.  I don't have a board about thieves, however.


Friday, May 17, 2013

14 School Days Remaining--My Last Ever "School's Out"

14 School Days Remaining--My Last Ever "School's Out" 
May 16, 2013
Yes!  School is out for summer soon!
Schools will be closed all summer!
Photo Credit:
     In 14 school days, I will experience my very last "school's out" celebration with my students.  That will certainly be a memorable day for me.
     Granted, I will be returning in August for two and a half more months of another school year.  However, this is my last "end of term" for my career. 
     I hope every student everywhere will enjoy summer vacation.  Stay safe and enjoy your time with your families and friends. 
Who knows?  I  had the privilege of teaching someone who went on to be a real credit to society, or a rock star!
Photo Credit:
Here we are, waiting for the last bell to ring...School's Out!
Photo Credit:  by Tom Richmond
Sorry kids.  Teachers are going home for the summer, just like you!
To all parents and kids:  Have a wonderful summer!  See you next year!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Owl Baby Shower To Be A Hoot May 10, 2013

Owl Baby Shower To Be A Hoot--For Mother's Day
May 10, 2013
Baby Owl Shower
These babies are Eastern Screech owls. 
Photo Credit:  Raptor Center Staff
      For Mother's Day, this Saturday, we will go to the Audubon Center's Birds of Prey to attend an owl baby shower.  What?  Yes,there will be a baby shower to help all the baby raptors that are brought to the raptor rescue and rehabilitation center in Maitland, Florida.

Here are two baby eagles, eaglets in their nest.
Photo Credit:
      Here is part of the article link which appeared in the Orlando Sentinel newspaper this week.  We won't be bringing baby clothes and toys.  We'll be bringing needed supplies to help feed and maintain the lives of the raptors, including babies and all other ages. 
 "Spring is coming and with it brings baby bird season.  During “baby season,” as the Center calls it, the clinic receives approximately 20% of our annual patient load.  Most of these young birds have been temporarily displaced from their nests. The Center’s ultimate goal is to get all these babies back into the wild where they belong, and we need your help!  Many of these babies will be reunited with their families or placed in foster nests. Others that are orphaned or that cannot be returned with their families are being raised and prepared for life in the wild.  Center staff spends many hours educating the public on what to do if they find a baby bird and if the bird is in need of help.  The best procedure is to get the baby back up into the nest with its parents if at all possible."

Baby hawks, older than the newborn size.
Photo Credit:
      Some of the requested baby shower gifts include cases of paper towels, king size bed sheets, washing detergent, and much, much more.  In exchange for the baby shower gifts, we gain free admission to see all of the raptor center's inhabitants for the day.  Here is the complete list of requested baby shower gifts:
       If you live anywhere near Maitland or Orlando, consider attending the Owl Baby Shower to honor Mother's Day by helping orphaned baby raptors. 
Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Making More Plans Today For Retirement May 7, 2013

Making More Plans Today For Retirement
May 7, 2013
     Because I am unable to acquire my dream home at this time in Celebration, Florida, I am once again absorbed in additional options for retirement.
     Thank you to everyone who saw my dream home photos.  Thank you to my Google+ friends who gave me +1s for my posts.
     Life isn't about having a perfect home; life is about living a peaceful life, isn't it?  So now I am back to searching for the peace I want for my future. 
     For now, my life consists of working my best every week.  That will continue into the next school year.  However, once November 1 comes around, my life will consist of being peaceful on a permanent basis.  I don't believe that not working will bring me peace. 

 Photo Credit:
     In the summer months, school is not in session.  Most teachers use these 60 days for vacations, relaxing, home improvement, or part-time jobs for a little extra income.  I usually spend my summers at home or at our theme parks, waiting for school to begin again.

Photo Credit:
     After November 1, I will live the life of the "endless summer."  I find that thought most disturbing and unsettling.  In truth, it is causing more and more anxiety as the days go by.
     From my list of retirement activities, I can say that taking that train trip is the most appealing.  So instead of looking for another perfect retirement home, I'm going to escape to somewhere by train this summer.  Train costs are far more inexpensive than cruising on the Queen Mary II. 
Photo Credit:  Bob Reck

     Maybe I'll discover the peace I seek from the window of a train going somewhere far away. 

Photo Credit:  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cannot Get My Retirement Cottage--Maybe Someday May 5, 2013

Cannot Get My Retirement Cottage--Maybe Someday
May 5, 2013
Here is the lovely living area...Perfect for me.
Photo Credit:  Allan Thomas
      I visited this lovely cottage and met the owners, a young professor and his attorney wife.  The cottage was like a dream I had wished for, but it cannot be for me at this time.  Maybe in the future, things will work out for me.
      In the meantime, I will continue to look for my "forever" home near Disney World.  Thank you for following my search with me.
      I did go to Disney World after the viewing, and I met with my family and grandchildren for a few hours of Disney fun.  Beautiful day, blue skies, not too many people, and so peaceful.
      It was sad to say good bye to them as I left for home, but I know I will see them again in a few weeks, back at Disney World.

I'm On My Way To See My Retirement Home May 5, 2013

I'm On My Way To See My Retirement Home
May 5, 2013
125 Longview Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34747
Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Found The Home I Want In Celebration, Florida May, 3, 2013

Found The Home I Want In Celebration, Florida
May 3, 2013
125 Longview Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34747
Here is the ideal home for me when I retire.  I want this little cottage to be my new home.  I'll make plans to go take a tour of it this weekend.  Adorable.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Like Watching Live Eagle Cams? Here's Another One May 2. 2013

Like Watching Live Eagle Cams?  Here's One With Two New Eaglets, Harmony and Hope
May 2, 2013

Dad and Mom keep a sharp lookout for intruders.

Click here to watch live streaming video of eagle family in Minnesota.

Hope and Harmony bobbing and stretching their little wings in the nest bowl.
They are about two weeks old now.

Click here to see a recent example of what you will be able to see. Amazing nature!

Dad flies in with another gigantic stick to build up the nest and startles nesting Mom again.

     I truly hope you will watch the Minnesota Bound eagles and their tiny eaglets.  The camera is solar powered by day, but there is no infrared camera at night. 
     A Google+ friend, +Saleem Khan, sent me the Native American symbolism of the eagle:
         spirit, spirituality, renewal, intelligence, courage,
      illumination of Spirit, healing, and creation
     Here's wishing that watching this eagle family raise their young will raise your spirits and bring you peace in your heart.