Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year World! December 31, 2013

Happy New Year World!
December 31, 2012
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new years countdown clock cake @Whitney Worthington
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Blessings on everyone in the world as we enter a new year, 2013!!
Del in Orlando, Florida

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Best Holiday Week--Now I'm Going Fishing December 29, 2012

Best Holiday Week
Now I'm Going Fishing
December 29, 2012
     It's been such a lovely week, and only week one of my Christmas holidays vacation.  There are still eight more days of vacation before work calls again.  I do hope everyone had a happy Christmas or Hanukkah.
     With all the little pleasures of meals and casual evenings with friends and family, I have thoroughly enjoyed this week.  For the past two days I have just enjoyed feeding the birds and squirrels, watching nature from my picture window, and relaxing.
      One of my little pleasures was making winter bird feeders to hang in the branches of shrubs near my bird feeder.  Here are the directions, so don't laugh:
      Take a toilet tissue roll, coat with creamy peanut butter, roll in birdseed, thread a string or ribbon through the roll, tie a knot, and hang outside for the birds.  You can also just put it through a bare branch like the photo above. Squirrels and birds love these and I am going to continue to make these all winter. 
     My relaxing involved watching hours and hours of the original version of "Upstairs, Downstairs" on my computer.  Click here to watch one of the episodes.   

     While I really only listened to the episodes, I spent hours on, read news stories, and played lots of computer card games.  This must be what retirement will be like.  Nice.
     Now it's time to go fishing in the park at the riverbank I wrote about weeks ago.  Today, although it is lightly raining, I shall put my fishing tackle in some kind of container, complete with that knife for protection from alligators. 
     But first I have to attach a hook and weight to the brand new fishing rod I bought.  I've got to find a way to attach that rubber lure to the hook, because I'm really a salt-water fishing person.
     I'm borrowing my neighbor's canvas camping chair, complete with drink holder.  I'm packing a light lunch and a few bottles of water, probably 4 bottles, in case the fish don't bite and I have nothing to do.
     Since I want to absorb all the nature in the park, I'll be bringing my camera this time out, and will keep binoculars close at hand. 
      But wait, there's more:
     Yesterday, while driving through my neighborhood, I saw a turkey vulture (with the red face) feasting on a rather gruesome meal in someone's driveway.  It appeared to be a squirrel, but I'm afraid it was a cat.  Yum-yum.  
     Here is a turkey vulture.  Click here to learn more about turkey vultures. Ewwww.


     So, off I go to commune with nature and torture the fish.  Happy New Year  2013 to everyone.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How To Wash A Cat--Too Funny December 25, 2012

How To Wash A Cat--Too Funny Not To Share
December 25, 2012
Hope you had a wonderful and fun-filled Christmas today.
This came from

Sunday, December 23, 2012

No Restaurants -- I Get Angry December 23, 2012

No  More Restaurants  --  I Get Angry
December 23, 2012
     Went on a short errand to WalMart.  Afterwards, went to a familiar chain steak restaurant/buffet with a relative.  I paid no attention to the prices or menu.  When the bill was rung up before we were seated, it was over $25 and I had a fit. 
     This is an old restaurant, a chain which is located all over the south, nothing special.  Years ago, I went there a lot, in another state.  Why did I get so angry?  I demanded that we leave, even though I was not paying for the meal.  Why? 
     So my relative took me to a surprise restaurant in Waterford Lakes Shopping Center.  The menu was long and complicated with 100 choices of tiny sandwiches, as it was explained to me.  Each tiny sandwich was as cheap as you could get.  I got upset again.  Why?  Look at the reviews this restaurant got.  Everyone says it's great:
     I can only say that I don't want to be confronted with menus so long and complicated that I completely shut down.  Why?
     It turned out to be a ridiculous miniature sub, with some of the ingredients not even on the tiny thing.  I returned it to the counter to be corrected.  This all embarrassed and angered my relative.  What is causing my anger?
     It has to do with being bullied into liking something I truly don't like, like that sushi experience last month.
     At this time of my life I want to go to familiar affordable restaurants.  That is not too much to ask.  As a result of today, I am angry, hurt, and completely over the good feelings I had for my relative and for the holiday season.  Why?  I can't explain it.
     I just want to go to bed and wake up after Christmas is over.   I do not get any pleasure from eating where prices seem high or menus are complicated, even though the prices are very low. 
      Are these reactions related to future retirement or to restaurants in general? When I am over this anger, I will have to do some hard thinking about eating out again.
      I think it has something to do with my past experiences, so I'll have to think on my reactions, which are becoming frequent these days.
      It's time to go to the park to watch some nature after I turn off the Christmas music. Then I'll go get a burger for $1.00 at McDonalds.  I think I'm the only person who gets angry at restaurants.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hurrah! Mounds of Trash Cleaned Up By Lynx Bus Service! December 22, 2012

Hurrah!  Mounds of Trash Cleaned Up By Lynx Bus Service! 
December 22, 2012
      Two days ago I wrote about a bus stop that was so sad:  The trash can was overflowing and there were mounds of trash all around it on the ground.  This must have been so terrible for any passenger waiting on the bench for bus service.  But wait, there's more! 
      Just look at the bus stop now!
  wrote about this situation, posting photos, and now the entire area is cleared and the trash can is empty with a clean liner.  Read about the results and see the "after" photos here on +Mark Baratelli's blog,  :
      We're so happy that Lynx bus service saw story and acted responsibly and quickly.  Hurrah for Orlando, the City Beautiful!



Today's Task: Food Shopping For The Homeless December 22, 2012

Today's Task:  Food Shopping for the Homeless
December 22, 2012
     Today is the first day of my 14 day holiday vacation.  First joyful task will be to head to Winn Dixie to stock up on canned fruits and vegetables to help feed the homeless.   Winn Dixie, on the corner of Colonial and Bumby Street, really helped me get this job done.  Here is a link to the main Winn Dixie site:
     In a previous post, I described buying shopping carts full of canned fruits and vegetables to take to the Coalition for the Homeless.  That was way back at Thanksgiving, to help with their Thanksgiving meals.
     I'm doing this again because I set that goal:  to do something in a small way to help the helpless and homeless in Orlando.  Have you been able to do something similar?  Here is a video of where I will take the boxes of canned goods:
      My neighbor and friend who helped me shop last time is not feeling well, so I have asked my son to go with me to shop and deliver today.  It's a very small drop in a very big bucket of need. 
     Here are the day-to-day needs that the Coalition needs to serve their clients, not just with food:

     On a lighter note, I am grateful for what I have and for what I am able to give to my family and friends at this time of giving.  "All you need is love," by John Lennon says it all.  But let's be more global and help provide for those who have nothing but love this Christmas. 
     After this task this morning, I'm forcing myself to start work on my taxes.  Ugh.  If I really dedicate myself, I can still have time to go watch those vultures and ibis playing in the park this afternoon.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mounds of Trash at Public Bus Stop Orlando December 20, 2012

Mounds of  Trash at Public Bus Stop
Who Is Ultimately Responsible For Clean Up?
December 20, 2012
     I pass this bus stop several times a day, and for the past week its trash container has been overflowing with garbage.  One person has documented this neglect on his blog,  +Mark Baratelli has been and is a top proponent for keeping Orlando "the City Beautiful."  Tonight he photographed and posted a notice about this deplorable situation:
     Just who should take on the task that is being ignored by the public, the city solid waste department, and even each bus driver who isn't reporting the conditions at this particular bus stop?
     Are you thinking that I should rush out tomorrow and do the job myself?  Think again.    I travel 9 miles one way to work each morning and pass 10 to 20 Lynx bus stops.  This is the only one in this condition.  Why?

     We watched tonight, outside a Starbucks, as a waiting bus passenger carefully placed his empty soft drink cup on the top of the disgusting pile.  The public is doing the right thing in trying to use the trash can.  But now the entire bus stop seating area is surrounded by decaying food, which will attract flies, roaches, and other vermin.  Would you want to sit next to this garbage dump?
     Here is just one view of this disgraceful mess:


          So, I'm asking, just like did:  Who is responsible for the clean up here and why hasn't the clean up been done?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Florida Black Vultures and Ibis Bathe Together December 19, 2012

Florida Black Vultures and Ibis Bathe Together This Morning
December 19, 2012
      After wrapping all 20 of the presents for my grandchildren at 7am today, I packed the presents in my car.  It only took one hour and I made a present wrapping station in my spare bedroom.  It was a pleasure knowing I had gotten exactly what they had put on their "Four Gifts" lists for me.   The box of presents is well on its way to their home and will arrive in a few days.   
      But wait, there is more...
      Later, on my way to work, I drove through the Greenway/Park to see the usual gathering of around 50 Florida black vultures.  They were sitting or walking or standing on the bank of the river.   Here are Florida black vultures, but not my photos:
      Usually they are watching the ibis, both the white and the brownish ones, wade, eat, and bathe at the river's edge.  Below are the two types of ibis I watched, but not my photos:
       This morning I parked as usual, and sat at a picnic table, about 15 feet away, to wonder at the sight of nature up close.  Funny thing, some of the vultures, about 10 of them, were bathing with the ibis, splashing, dunking their heads, flapping their wings in the water, and washing all over, just like the ibis usually do.
       I'm curious to see if they are learning this from the ibis, or if they do this anyway and I hadn't seen it before.  Some of the vultures, standing nearby and watching the sight, began to wander into the water and copy the other birds, too.
      For comparison, a Florida black vulture, with a wing span of about 5 feet, weighs about 5 pounds, like a large chicken.  An ibis has a wing span of about 3-4 feet, and it weighs about 2-3 pounds. 
      Yet here they were having a swimming play date together, all while I sat and watched.  I love nature up close and undisturbed.   Don't want to go overboard, but make Number 17 on my activities list "Birdwatching up close."
I'll be sure I take my camera to the park every morning now.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Cards Have All Been Sent...
December 17, 2012
      As the Carpenters' song goes, "Christmas cards have all been sent," I have completed my big but fun latest task.  Mailed them this afternoon, including the non-traditional newsletter.
      So now I am writing just a few more to complete the fun job completely tonight.
Next I get to wrap all the presents I bought for my grandchildren.  I used that "4Gifts" idea from pinterest and I got great responses.  It was so easy to shop for all five of my "grands."
      Hit the wrapping paper section of Office Depot after printing my newsletters, so I have everything I need to at least start the assembly line tonight.  Some may even get mailed tomorrow. 
      Now, back to the original purpose of this blog, I have hit upon the ideal retirement activity:  setting up a Christmas card writing service for those too busy (or unorganized) to do their own cards.  But wait...there's more.
      I can picture myself helping others write their awful newsletters, addressing envelopes, stamping all the mail, and delivering it to the post office.  How much could I charge to do this? 
      I could set up one room of my house to produce everything, like the famous "present wrapping room" of Tori Spelling's mother.  Truthfully, I'm pretty sure there are businesses that already do this. 
      If I had days and days to do someone's Christmas correspondence, I could be finished by Thanksgiving.  They could just tell me what date they wanted their cards mailed.  Yep.  I can see myself doing this---for about one Christmas season. 
     So, let's add as Number 16 of my retirement activities list:  Run a Christmas card/Christmas newsletter writing and mailing service.  Of course, this would require that my customers only use cards with pre-printed signatures!
     I predict this would hold my interest for a full month...the month of my official retirement...possibly.  I might be too busy treasure hunting and fishing. 

I Am Not Sad--Clarifying Earlier Post
December 17, 2012
       Someone misinterpreted my previous post; I am not sad personally today about the slaughter of innocents.  That cannot be undone; it's a fact now.   Blame will not bring back the victims.
       I am extremely sympathetic for the families who will have to live for the rest of their lives with this.
Hard To Comprehend Recent Slaughter of Innocents
December 17, 2012
      Totally occupied with the progress of the repairs to my house all weekend, and then this thoughts flooded my heart.
      No questions of why or how the needless, insane slaughter of humans happened as they were simply going about the business and fun of learning.  My thoughts are of the families:  they will suffer for years and years over the acts of one insane kid.
      At this time, my thoughts are on all of them, the victims, all innocents, and their families.  Blessings on them as they begin the unbearable journey to living from one day to the next.
      I am so very sorry that this happened.  I am so very sorry that no one can undo anything.  I am very sorry this morning.

Friday, December 14, 2012

My Christmas Newsletter Is Complete And Totally Nontraditional
December 14, 2012
     It is written, edited, and printed.  This afternoon I will happily visit Office Max and have it printed on Christmas-themed stationery.  Tonight I will enclose a copy in each of the Christmas cards I write to friends and family.
      No bragging, no boasting, and no reason to be joked about at the office.  Goal reached!
      I simply listed 8 things I learned during this very difficult year past. 
     Possibly you could pare down your newsletter to the simple truths you have learned this year also.
     Simple Abundance is a great book, written to be read one selection each day for a year.  It has helped to calm my racing mind every night, although I don't follow the format; I open it randomly and read the selection that I turn to.
Try it; it could bring you a new outlook on your daily life.
     Here is one item from my newsletter, only the second newsletter I have ever written in my lifetime:
     "I have become a better person through rising above unfortunate situations I could not control."
     Send a comment with a line from your Christmas newsletter.  What did you write about this year?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Short and Sweet--Christmas Newsletters

Short and Sweet--Christmas Newsletters
December 13, 2012
     I just received my first newsletter of the Christmas season.  How do I feel about hearing about the personal ups and downs of a family?
     This year I am giving it more thought than criticism.  Personally, I have been through some very rough times this year, but I won't be writing friends and acquaintances about the drama.
     Instead, I'm going to write a newsletter filled with life advice and funny stuff.  People have had a hard time just finding jobs, keeping their homes, and remaining self-sufficient.
     Christmas newsletter writing for me was done tongue-in-cheek last year as I wrote my first and only newsletter.  Do people in other countries and cultures do this wholesale flaunting of their good fortune and bad fortune?
     I really don't know.  But if you are in the middle of writing about the success of your freshman at Harvard, rethink that topic.
     If you are in the middle of writing about the drug rehab your grown daughter just endured, rethink that topic.
     But wait; there is more.  Rethink the whole process of bragging to others at this holy time of year.
     So with that in mind, I'm writing my second in my lifetime newsletter, filling it with wishes for the happiness of the people I'm writing to.
     Newsletters have become the joke of America.  Let's make an effort to make our newsletters uplifting to others, rather than objects to be shared at work as objects of ridicule.  Think before you write this year, and make your newsletter short and sweet.
     Do you write Christmas newsletters?  Leave a comment, please.
     I'm resolving to get off Pinterest for awhile and appreciate all the things I have, not wishing for things I couldn't possibly use or wear or cook!  So I won't be writing about how many followers I have, just to sound important.
     "Pray for peace, people everywhere," and stop writing newsletters to your friends and family this year.  (I'm going to write a very short little one, to inspire others, just listing things I'm grateful I lived through.)
     While you're not spending hours thinking all about the accomplishments of your family, spend some time at this website instead.  Maybe you will find some small way you can use your energy to help others :

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Official Activities List--So Far December 11, 2012

The Official Activities List--So Far
December 11, 2012
     Thank you to everyone who has read some or all of my posts since I began this blog in early November.
     I just viewed each post, around 30, and now you can see the activities I believe may keep my attention after I officially retire next year.
     I am adding a Number 15:  writing more thank you notes to people who make my life happier and more enjoyable by the little things they do.

Official List of Retirement Activities December 11, 2012

1. Treasure hunting with a metal detector

2. Bowling

3. Bus trip with others to visit Mt. Dora, Florida

4. Take ballet classes

5. Joining in activities at my local Senior Citizens Center

6. Getting a job, part-time--Cancelled

6a. Helping the homeless, in a small way

7. Reopening my business, "Set The Table--Vintage Tableware and Linens," on eBay

8. Meet and greet the dolphins at Sea World--Cancelled

9. Bike riding in the greenway/park, having a picnic--tried it and it was wonderful!

10. Bagging and redistributing 40 bags of clutter in my home. (Tried it; too depressing)

11. Having laughter-filled meals with friends or family

11a. Go somewhere on a train

12. Visit a kennel where greyhounds are born and raised.

13. Go fishing in a river at the greenway/park

14. Accept all invitations for social events

15. Send more written thank you notes

     There you have it:  the list.

     May I be perfectly clear in saying this is not a bucket list!

     If I keep this up, let me do the math, I will have approximately 150+ additional possible retirement activities in the next 10 months. 

     Now it's time to go do some laundry before I go to work. 



Sunday, December 9, 2012

To My Reader In Germany
December 9, 2012
     Dear Reader in Germany,
     Thank you for reading my post as soon as I publish it.  It makes me feel great every time I see that you have taken the time to read what I have written.
     Please leave a comment so I know where you are in Germany.  Merry Christmas!
     From Mimi Hylton
     Orlando, Florida

Sweet 16 Ceremony and Cookie Exchange
December 9, 2012
Floral Design   Pretty in Pink sweet 16 party
     Purchased my rod, reel, and tackle to go fishing on Saturday, but never got to the park.  There were too many other events going on this weekend.  I hope this is what retirement will be like.
     First, look at the picture above.  I was invited to a good friend's daughter's Sweet 16 celebration.  I'm not calling it a party, because it was more ceremonial than a party.   And the photo came from pinterest, but the tables were just this elaborately decorated.
     The room was set up and decorated as elaborately as a formal wedding.  Table linens, linen chair covers, all tied with beautiful red fabric bows.  The centerpieces were four-foot high clear glass vases topped with bouquets of flowers.
     Adrienne, the honoree, wore a formal golden gown that could have come from Saks Fifth Avenue.  There was a shoe-changing ceremony.  The father kneels before the seated honoree and changes her flat beautiful shoes to sophisticated fashion heels.  Then the father and daughter shared a dance to "Butterfly Kisses."  We were crying tears of joy for the lovely young girl who was now officially a lovely young woman.  Just like a Bar Mitzvah, the passage into adulthood.
     I left after 3 hours but the party went on well toward the stroke of midnight, with dancing and partying for all the family and friends.  How moving and touching to see such love.

Christmas Party Cookie Exchange!
     Today I baked 6 dozen cookies for my neighbor's Christmas cookie exchange party.  It was another lovely, but casually friendly event to remember.  Actually, this is not a photo from the cookie exchange, but those chocolate cookies look exactly like what I baked.  The table was covered in platters and bowls of cookies!
     There was even a table for the children to decorate sugar cookies with every icing and sprinkle imaginable.  After stuffing ourselves with the cookies everyone brought, we were able to take home containers of all the cookies people baked with love.  Thank you Breana and Dustin. 
     I really don't think that two such moving and love-filled events could replace fishing.  But I'm adding as Number 13, or is it 14, on my list to continue to accept all invitations for friendly get togethers when I retire.  If you don't have nearby relatives, friends are just as good.  Thank you friends, for inviting me to share your fun and friendship.
     Tomorrow, back to work.  But I will have such lovely memories of this weekend because of good friends. 
     Now, about that fishing, it turns out that I'm not the only one taking up fishing, if only for a few times.  I learned that by being at the cookie exchange this afternoon. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I'm Going Fishing--For Free!
December 8, 2012
     A few days ago I wrote about seeing someone sitting on the bank of the Little Econ River, just casually casting his fishing line into the water.  I had added "go fishing" to my list of activities for retirement.
      I researched fishing this morning, and lo and behold, I can fish for free, without a fishing license!  Here is the rule/law that affects me.  Yay for being old!!

What does a senior license certificate cover and where do I get it?

Florida residents age 65 or older only need a Florida Driver License or Identification Card to prove residency and age. They are not required to purchase the following recreational licenses and permits:
  • Saltwater fishing, freshwater fishing and hunting licenses
  • Snook, lobster, deer, management area, muzzleloading, turkey, archery, crossbow, *Florida waterfowl, and migratory bird permits.
You can get a complimentary senior card at the county tax collectors office, but it is not necessary. You can find links to the county tax collector offices at $taxcollectors.
While a license is not required for resident seniors, they should keep proof of age and residency in their possession while participating in these activities.

     That means that I can rush to my nearest Target or (where would I go around here?) somewhere nearby to purchase $50 worth of equipment to fish for free.  Seems logical. 

     Remember, this Wednesday, the Golden Ticket Day, I get my first  SS check.  That means I will have some "recreational funds" to try out my retirement activity. 

     I was sitting at a picnic bench on the bank of the river when I saw the man fishing.  I didn't see any DisneyWorld safety rails or fences to keep alligators from just strolling up the bank to eat me, however.  Oh, heck.  I didn't see an alligator strolling up the bank to eat the fishing guy either.

      Definitely going shopping for a fishing rod, a big knife to kill any gators, snakes or serial killers, a comfortable camping chair to relax in, a pair of work gloves for when I have to hold the fish to remove the hook before I throw it back in the river, and a picnic lunch from Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Oh yes.  I'll need bait.  What do freshwater fish like to bite off of a hook?  Hope it's not worms. 

     If they only want worms, then I'm going bowling instead. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Spammers List As Of Now
December 7, 2012
     Beware when you see these websites as entering URLs:

     These sites have run up the number of post views all within one hour.  Contact Google to see how this can be stopped immediately.  Since I wrote my last post about this, things have slowed down a bit.

     That's about all I can do for everyone.  I know it's happening to a lot of other bloggers and has been going on for quite awhile. 

     I'll wait a day or two before I post again unless I win the lottery or something. 

     Dear readers, leave a comment if you are not one of these spammers.   I will be submitting this list to the authorities. 

     Have a great evening!


Who Are These Post Readers?
December 7, 2012
      This blog was started in early November to record the year leading up to my retirement next year.  This week the oddest audience has shown up on my statistics of who is reading my posts.  My newest sources of readers are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Ukraine, and Germany.
       Doesn't that seem odd?  I did a little Google search of some of their web pages and it seems that lots of people are getting these same lurkers running up their statistics of who is entering their blogs.

     Here they are:
     So, since I can't eliminate them, I will just hope that they are enjoying my writing, and that they will leave comments each time I post something new.   I will also be contacting the CIA and the FBI tomorrow morning, to be sure I am not attracting spies.
     At least looking at these audience names, I have snapped out of my sadness over my dog.
     Happy evening to all of my readers from Europe and North Africa!  Join me on pinterest, too!   I would love to have more followers!