Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Watching Nature Is Not Always A Joy

Watching Nature Is Not Always A Joy
June 18, 2013
Butterfly that emerged from its chrysalis before my eyes today.
Photo Credit:  www.idleatlast.com
     The fuzzy photo above is that of a butterfly that emerged from its chrysalis while I was watching.  It happened very quickly.  However, the Monarch butterfly didn't seem to be able to do what it should do:  climb up the net enclosure to dry its wings.   As it was emerging, the chrysalis and butterfly both dropped to the bottom of the mesh enclosure...thus interrupting the natural process. 
This shows what should have happened today, but it didn't.
Photo Credit:  www.monarch-butterfly.com
     I'm keeping a friend's large mesh butterfly enclosure for her, which still has at least 8-10 more future butterfly births to go.  I don't think I can stand this.  Out of the three that have emerged so far, only one has made it to the successful  flying stage, which was glorious. 

     So, I took this newest butterfly to a nearby plant in my butterfly garden, but it still wasn't able to hold on to any plant stalk to finish its "birth" process.  Sadly, I have tried various ideas for helping it, but it just isn't going to be able to fly.  Nature, I don't like this part of your wonders.
     I'm actually thinking of pulling down each chrysalis and tossing it into the shrubbery.  Let "Nature take its course" where I don't have to see it.
     That's very ironic, because I have written several posts about enjoying the wonders of watching live eagle cameras as the eggs hatch, the eaglets grow up, and the young eagles fly away forever.
     With butterflies not in captivity, you don't actually see the ones that can't fly away, do you?  You only notice the fabulously colored ones as they flit and land among flowers. 

This is what is supposed to happen after the butterfly's wings have dried completely. 
     Please appreciate all of the butterflies you see this summer.  Only ten more butterflies will I have to watch as they struggle for life this month.  Sigh....

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cell Phone Not For Me

 Cell Phone Not For Me
June 15, 2013

I will flag down a serial killer and use his/her cell phone if I have car trouble now.
Yes, Voldemort will surely help me make that call.
Photo Credit:  www.filmonic.com
      I returned the new Samsung cell phone to Target, and cancelled my carrier, Virgin Mobile, thus losing the $20 for minutes I had put on the phone.
      It would have been a good thing to have a cell phone in the car, in case of car trouble, but it turned out to be something that was not helpful or good.
     After giving my new number to the doctor at the hospital (my mother is back in the hospital), I felt at ease that I could receive any calls on her condition wherever I went.  That didn't happen, as the phone never rang, even when the hospital did call.
      So, leaving out all of the other problems with Virgin Mobile, let me just say that I am not going to get another cell phone.  If I have car trouble, I will flag down a passing serial killer and use his/her cell phone to call for help.

I'm not a cell phone fan.
Photo Credit:  www.safetysign.com

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Father's Day Next Week June 9, 2013

 Happy Father's Day Next Week
and Pursuing Lifelong Dreams
June 9, 2013
Happy Father's Day To All The Fathers In The World!

     It's a little early, but Happy Father's Day to everyone who is a father, or who is about to become a father, or to those who love and miss a father.  So here's a video to make you smile and cry...
This is what the singer-songwriter said about writing this tribute to his father:
"A one day wonder that I would never have dreamed could have been a hit. My manager, Irving Azoff, heard the track and had it released. Great instincts. One of my most emotional memories was playing it for my father for the first time. He truly gave me more than I could ever repay." (Dan Fogelberg) - from the liner notes in Portrait.

What about "The Leader of the Band," was that something you had been wanting to write for a while?

"That was totally spontaneous, it was a one-day wonder, I just happened to sit down with the guitar and bingo, that thing was done. I mean I never consciously wanted to write a song to my father. If I had consciously thought about it, I never would have done it. Because I thought it was too obscure and certainly non-commercial. That for me was a real great moment, because whether or not that song was ever a hit, it meant a great deal to my father. He got to hear it, and it said things that neither one of us could say to each other. We weren't real communicative males, you know, we're midwestern (laughs). So that song was so timely because he only lasted about another year after that. That'll always be a real special song to me." (Dan Fogelberg) - Interview by Lydia Hutchinson
Dan Fogelberg: Acoustics Guitars and Vocals.
Vince Melamed: Synthesizer Horns.
*Special thanks to Bobby for sharing Liner Notes from his Portrait Booklet!

On another topic... 
     The following article appeared on my Road Runner home page, from www.bankrate.com this morning:  "Pursuing Lifelong Dreams In Retirement."  It's worth a read, but it really encourages giving one's time to helping others after one retires from a lifelong career.  The article was written by Sheyna Steiner and Sharon Anne Waldrop.
 Photo Credit:  www.bankrate.com or www.rr.com
       After reading the article, it appears that one should devote the retirement years to giving back to others.  I tend to disagree with that premise; I have been "giving back" to students, parents, and employers, not to mention churches, homeless shelters, Salvation Army, and many, many other organizations for my entire career.
     So, I hate to admit it, but I'm ready for someone to give back to me.   The next time a Boy Scout or church youth group or social organization wants to mow and edge the lawn of this helpless old senior citizen, I'm going to say, "Yes!" and "Yippee!" and "Thanks very much!"

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Broke Down and Bought a Cell Phone! June 4, 2013

I Broke Down and Bought a Cell Phone!
June 4, 2013
Here is my adorable flip phone from Samsung.
Photo Credit:  www.samsung.com
     The last time I owned a cell phone was way back in 2005.  Happily for my bank account, I lost it somewhere when eating out one evening.  I swore I'd never waste my money like that again.  Yes, I even texted with it. 
     Times have drastically changed since then, and now I find myself leery of driving all over Orlando without a way to get help, should I be plagued with car trouble.  Senior moments have alerted me to the benefit of having a way to reach out for help when I'm alone on the road.
     Tonight I purchased the cutest, cheapest, tiniest little cell phone, along with a "top up" card to add minutes.  I'm not interested in anything with a monthly plan, a phone that will surf the internet while I'm driving, or a way to take photos of my food when I'm in a restaurant.  I just want something that will get the police, ambulance, or road-side assistance to me as quickly as possible.
Photo Credit:
     On an entirely different topic, I have been considering renting out my home this summer, and putting my belongings in storage while I go stay with a friend in another state until school begins in mid-August.  I'll rent a small apartment when I return...after that I will make some decisions regarding how and where I want to settle down again. 
Here I go!  Just me and my cell phone and my memories!
     When I make the 10-hour drive to her home, I'll have my adorable little emergency phone with me to give me the peace of mind while I'm on the road for so long.
     Why would I do this?  Because I am determined to write a short book before I forget how to type...don't laugh.  Really.  Don't laugh.
I'm going to attack this life-long dream in the lovely surroundings of my friend's home, sit with her on her front porch swing, and laugh about the ridiculously outrageous times we used to share long ago.
     That's my newest plan and I owe it all to my brand new cell phone.  Believe it or not. 
     Tomorrow is the last day for students in our school system in Orlando, and I wish everyone a very happy and safe summer vacation!  School's out for me for the very last time.

Happy Summer Everyone!
Photo Credit:  www.en.paperblog.com