Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Watching Nature Is Not Always A Joy

Watching Nature Is Not Always A Joy
June 18, 2013
Butterfly that emerged from its chrysalis before my eyes today.
Photo Credit:  www.idleatlast.com
     The fuzzy photo above is that of a butterfly that emerged from its chrysalis while I was watching.  It happened very quickly.  However, the Monarch butterfly didn't seem to be able to do what it should do:  climb up the net enclosure to dry its wings.   As it was emerging, the chrysalis and butterfly both dropped to the bottom of the mesh enclosure...thus interrupting the natural process. 
This shows what should have happened today, but it didn't.
Photo Credit:  www.monarch-butterfly.com
     I'm keeping a friend's large mesh butterfly enclosure for her, which still has at least 8-10 more future butterfly births to go.  I don't think I can stand this.  Out of the three that have emerged so far, only one has made it to the successful  flying stage, which was glorious. 

     So, I took this newest butterfly to a nearby plant in my butterfly garden, but it still wasn't able to hold on to any plant stalk to finish its "birth" process.  Sadly, I have tried various ideas for helping it, but it just isn't going to be able to fly.  Nature, I don't like this part of your wonders.
     I'm actually thinking of pulling down each chrysalis and tossing it into the shrubbery.  Let "Nature take its course" where I don't have to see it.
     That's very ironic, because I have written several posts about enjoying the wonders of watching live eagle cameras as the eggs hatch, the eaglets grow up, and the young eagles fly away forever.
     With butterflies not in captivity, you don't actually see the ones that can't fly away, do you?  You only notice the fabulously colored ones as they flit and land among flowers. 

This is what is supposed to happen after the butterfly's wings have dried completely. 
     Please appreciate all of the butterflies you see this summer.  Only ten more butterflies will I have to watch as they struggle for life this month.  Sigh....

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