Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why Work After Retirement?

Why Work After Retirement?
August 31, 2013
I'm at the corner of retirement and work...and I'm going to stay on the "work" path.
Photo Credit:
      In the past month, I have come up with at least 15 great and odd ideas for my retirement future.  Let's see, buying a house in Ireland, moving to Key West, opening a bakery, flying to Australia, and other ideas too strange to mention, have popped into my mind almost every morning.
     Yes, I am still going to pursue some sort of Private Investigator internship/shadowing career, or at least try it out for a bit.  Yes, I am still going to write a mystery novel or autobiography, probably self-published.  Yes, I am still going to get that country home, horse, dog, and acreage.  However, all of this won't happen at the same time.  "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Photo Credit:
     However, not too long ago, a friend complimented my ability to help others plow through their piles of possessions, helping them sort and purge them.  This has remained quietly tucked into the far recesses of my brain.  So, this week, I took my first step towards opening my own business as a personal organizing consultant.
     Reactions (to my idea of helping others improve their lives and living spaces with some kind of gentle assistance) have been positive, neutral, and downright negative. 
     Take today, for example, I spent a nice friendly breakfast defending the idea of my working after retirement.  "Why would you want to work after you've worked for so long already?"  This discussion went from cynical to obstreperous in less than 5 minutes.  Let's just call it a draw. 
Photo Credit:
      So I have included a link here to a great article listing 10 reasons for continuing to work after retirement.  I am concerned primarily with the first 5 reasons, because I believe I will be comfortable financially now.  I will work after I retire because I want and need to continue working.  Period.
       If you absolutely and positively need someone besides yourself to help you simplify your lifestyle, hang on for about two months while I retire from the teaching job I have right now.  By that time, in November, I'll have a website just for you, one where you can contact me, and I'll come assess your panic level and measure the height of your clutter.  The name of my new enterprise is "Simplify Your Lifestyle." 
       Of course, I won't be able to help all of my readers in Russia, Great Britain, Australia, and India, but if you're in the Orlando area, leave a comment and/or some way to contact you in the very near future. 



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Meet The Next Miss Marple--Me?

Meet The Next Miss Marple--Me?
August 20, 2013
Can you picture me as the next Miss Marple? 
Photo Credit: Fanpop Fan Clubs 1789
      Recently it occurred to me that my love of mystery writing and British mystery tv shows might give me a direction for my retirement this year:  What if I went to Private Investigator school and got my state Private Investigator Class CC license?
      Actually, what got me to google this idea, was the fact that I love it when someone has a little problem that I can possibly solve.  I'm also intrigued when I "overhear" a tidbit of information and search to find the story behind the story.  It's fascinating to me.

     So I located several places that actually train people to be PIs here in Orlando and through online training.  After much searching through one school's catalogue of offerings, I realized that it is targeting students who are still in high school...
     But wait, there's more.  City College, in Altamonte, actually has the coursework I would need to attain this license.  However, the cost is right up there with University maybe I will rethink this after all.
     In the meantime, I'll continue reading mysteries, watching British mysteries, and listening for the latest "news."  Let me know what you think of this latest idea for my newest career move.

I'll be going shopping for my Miss Marple detecting clothing soon...bring my knitting!
Photo Credit:

Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm A Teacher--My Last First Day of School Today

I'm A Teacher--My Last First Day of School Today
August 12, 2013
      Today was bittersweet for me:  I experienced my last "first day of school" of my career.
      Everything was familiar this morning, and I want to remember how I felt all day today:  The lovely breakfast provided by the PTSA, the heartfelt welcome by our principal, Mrs. Paige L. Tracy, and the usual list of things to remember as we begin a new school year.
      As the process of rearranging our classroom furniture progressed, I stopped and stared out at the beautiful sky outside my window.  Would life ever be this pleasant in retirement?  I don't know yet.  I've only got 58 more school days to live the "teacher" life until then.
       Truly, I enjoyed every conversation and interaction with all of the teachers and staff I encountered in the halls.  We all bustled to finish up or begin or just perfect our classroom preparations.  Students actually begin their first day of school here in Orlando on August 19.
      Memories of my very first teaching job flashed through my mind as I prepared papers to be copied for the older students.  My first teaching job was teaching thirty! three-year-old children in 1973, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, at a very small private school.  Looking back, I don't know how all those toddlers survived the year with me. 
      Look at me now:  almost 40 years of teaching later, and I'm still smiling about greeting my students next week.  I'm still checking the alarm clock to make sure it will wake me up on time...can't be late to school, especially if you're the teacher.  That's a big no-no!
      All of my official retirement papers have been processed, I've received a very nice letter from our school superintendent, Dr. Barbara Jenkins, and now the days will fly by too quickly.
       Yes, today was my last, really last, "first day of school" forever.   I'm sighing deeply as I finish this post tonight.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Something You Should Know About

Something You Should Know About
     My mother passed away, on her own, in her own time, on Monday, July 1, 2013.  She was 100 years old and lived to see all of the history of the 20th century and part of the 21st century.
     She had numerous careers and experiences, my birth being just one small part of her adventures.
     Her two grandsons and her 5 great-grandchildren will miss her terribly, as will I. 
     Her final year was spent in the excellent care of the Adventist Care Center Courtland, here in Orlando.  They were the reason she was able to continue to her life comfortably and in a loving atmosphere.  We all are tremendously grateful to the entire staff of caregivers and medical personnel there.
     On a final note, this strong, outspoken, funny, and ironic woman made a difference in the lives of everyone who met her.  She was the "wind beneath their wings."
     I will always love you, Mother; you made me who I am today: strong, outspoken, funny and ironic.  Thank you forever.
Jonwil Kennon Campkin Coles 1913-2013