Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where Do Greyhound Puppies Come From?
December 4, 2012
     I started writing these posts to plan for retirement activities for my future retirement.  All of a sudden, I am a food critic.  Starting over today.
     Number 11 on my list of future retirement activities is to go somewhere on a train where I can pretend to be Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot.  I'll observe everyone and everything. 
     That should keep me occupied for a few hours, if I don't get distracted by the scenery passing by the window.
     But wait, there's more.  Next Wednesday is the day I actually will receive that golden ticket check in my mailbox, rewarding me for a lifetime of labor.
     What will I do with all of that lovely money?  I am going to add Number 12 activity to my list:  traveling to see where greyhounds are actually born and raised.  Someone told me this and I really listened:  you never see any baby greyhounds, do you? 
Greyhound. By Wolfruede.
     Homework tonight:  research greyhound kennels, locate one within a few hours' train ride, then buy a ticket to go there.  Where DO greyhound puppies come from?