Friday, December 14, 2012

My Christmas Newsletter Is Complete And Totally Nontraditional
December 14, 2012
     It is written, edited, and printed.  This afternoon I will happily visit Office Max and have it printed on Christmas-themed stationery.  Tonight I will enclose a copy in each of the Christmas cards I write to friends and family.
      No bragging, no boasting, and no reason to be joked about at the office.  Goal reached!
      I simply listed 8 things I learned during this very difficult year past. 
     Possibly you could pare down your newsletter to the simple truths you have learned this year also.
     Simple Abundance is a great book, written to be read one selection each day for a year.  It has helped to calm my racing mind every night, although I don't follow the format; I open it randomly and read the selection that I turn to.
Try it; it could bring you a new outlook on your daily life.
     Here is one item from my newsletter, only the second newsletter I have ever written in my lifetime:
     "I have become a better person through rising above unfortunate situations I could not control."
     Send a comment with a line from your Christmas newsletter.  What did you write about this year?