Thursday, November 22, 2012

Will Have To Wait For Turkey, But Not The Nap
November 22, 2012
      We were invited to Thanksgiving dinner at noon, but the harried host informed us that the friend had not cooked the turkey yet.  Not a problem for two senior citizens who are just as happy with a cup of coffee and a cheese sandwich.
       Plan B took us to look for a suitable place to sit and nibble until the turkey "got cooked."  Boston Market ripped everyone off with only one menu choice of a turkey dinner complete with pie, overpriced, so we left in search of alternative places to wait.  But hold everything, all restaurants closed for the holiday. 
      This is why America is great:  Burger King was still churning out "Have it your way" meals.  We used a coupon and got two whoppers and fries for $5.  That satisfied us completely and now both of us have gone our separate ways.  "I'm going to nap," grinned my friend.  "Me too," I giggled.
     Ahhh, there is nothing like a great nap after a hearty Thanksgiving meal.  Our host will call us later today when the real feast is prepared.  We are both grateful for our host's invitation, the table decorations and settings were outstandingly beautiful, and we are both grateful for Burger King.
     Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  We are blessed.