Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dolphin Swimming Off My List
December 5, 2012
      Here in Orlando we have Sea World, and I wrote on November 15 that I forgot I should add swimming with the dolphins  to my list.  Last week a little girl was just petting a dolphin, not swimming with it, and it bit her arm.  No worries:  she is fine.

      That showed me that perhaps actually being in the water with these beautiful, yet potentially risky, sea creatures might not make my retirement last too long. 
      Here's another editorial take on the animal interaction promoted at Sea World, so you can see why this bite happened possibly.
       So, as of now, there will be no swimming with the dolphins to dream of when I retire.    However, check out the Sea World website to see all the interactions you can have with their sea life,
       While driving home through that beautiful park I wrote about, I stopped, parked, and sat on a picnic bench to watch the river and the wildlife.  I looked to my right at a large crane.  But I also saw a man fishing there.  Add Number 12 to my list:  I'm going fishing when I retire.  I used to be very good at catching swimming things and throwing them back in the water.  
      On my last post I added taking a train ride to see where greyhound puppies are born and raised.  However, after doing lots of research (googling), I found that we raise precious greyhound puppies right here in Orlando.  So I won't have to take a train to see them.
      But wait, there is more:  I still want to take that train ride to somewhere that only takes a few hours.  I'm going to have to google/research more tonight.

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